I'm not everyone's cup of tea.
Case in point: I once gave one of my direct reports some feedback.
The said direct report went home and told his wife what I had told him.
As he recounted the story, he added a few expletives, called me a few interesting names and got a little hot under the collar as he explained to his wife how extremely unreasonable I had been.
His wife said, "Do you think there's a possibility she may be right?"
The penny dropped.
To cut a long story short, that direct report turned things around in record time and was promoted to a senior leadership position.
I started this post by saying that I'm not everyone's cup of tea.
I never deliver feedback in a fluffy, 'soft', gift-wrapped package with a bow on the top.
I'm to-the-point, direct, clear, concise, and honest.
I don't molly-coddle people or dance around their emotional fragility.
Why this approach?
Because feedback is useful ONLY when it's clear.
Diluted, fluffy, 'softened' messages = Unclear messages.
And no-one can act on an unclear message. It's as good as useless.
If you truly want to grow, do better, be better, and accelerate your journey to wherever you're going, honest, clear, direct feedback is a success accelerator.
And if you truly care about people and you have the intention to help them succeed, your feedback should germinate in compassion and be delivered with bold clarity.
Direct, undiluted feedback is a short-cut to heightening your self-awareness.
And heightened self-awareness accelerates your emotional regulation and intelligence, amplifies your presence, expands your influence, and accelerates your success.
Feedback is a gift.
Learn to give it effectively, receive it graciously, and use it to catapult your success.